Monday, April 16, 2012

On Sunday, the JCE Family visited the next island Caye (pronounced Key) Caulker, which is a much smaller island and more of a village than a city or town like San Pedro. It was even more remote with no automobiles on the island. While there the Family visited the local vendors and shops. We enjoyed a local cone of ice cream while beating the blazing heat.
Today the JCE Family visited the schools of San Pedro. We started out our morning by visiting Little Angels Preschool, where we talked with the children and listen to them sing there good bye song for the day. The preschool is only in session for half of a day so we went right before they dismissed. From there we walked to Isla Bonita, which is a semi-private “K-8” school with approximately 92 students. Each class had about 10-15 students in each room. From there we had a short lunch break and then traveled to San Pedro Roman Catholic School (RC) which is a public school that serves most of the “K-8” students, approximately 900 students all together. Much larger than the first “K-8” school we visited, about 30 students in each room. While at RC the JCE Family, the Carolina Forest Family and JCM Family worked very closely together to build relationships with the administration and teachers.  The Northside Family visited San Pedro High School, which serves most of the students in San Pedro unless they go inland to Belize City for schooling. Overall, it was a very eventful and fulfilling day. Tomorrow we will be going back to RC to work with the teachers and maybe do some team teaching. So come back and read all about our partnership!!

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